Sign up for our next Retreat! email Diana at
I read the Akashic Records, combined with Spiritual Counseling, & I organize spiritual healing Retreats to Sacred Places. The High Energy & power of those places, helps to raise our Vibration. However, anywhere we can get together and spend time in Love , Joy & Peace, is highly beneficial & automatically raises our vibration. I am available for private, online readings.
Join one of my meetups ; I AM LOVE, LIGHT, TRUTH in Boca Raton Fl. & in I AM LOVE, LIGHT & TRUTH North Port Florida. GO TO or
Now Online, Family & Marriage Counseling, Coaching, & Meditation classes. Contact me for appointments, here or pm on Facebook.
Join upcoming Retreats to the Wahanee Vortex in Augusta Ga.
Next one TBD.
There are many benefits to visiting a place of Power. Your consciousness expands, you clear many layers of attachments, anchors, contracts, vows, etc., naturally & effortlessly, because the energies present in sacred places are very strong, they can dissolve many of your blocks.
Coming soon; Join me in one or all of my trips:
Wahanee Golden Center, Augusta Ga. Visiting the Vortex
Charles Spring & Advent Village, Live Oak Fl. Boating in Suwanee River
Savannah & Tybee Beach Kayaking in the Marshes
Finger lakes Region, Upstate NY Enjoy cool weather & Mountains
Hot Springs Arkansas, Enjoy the Hot springs
Tulum & Cancun Archeology & beaches
Costa Rica November Mountains & Hikes
Sedona, Arizona Visiting the Vortexes
Spain, "The Way" or Camino a Santiago de Compostela
1st Vortex, Springerfield Arizona
Mt. Shasta California
Stonehenge & England
Mary Magdalene's Shrine, France August 2021
Denver Colorado
Missoula Montana
Los Angeles, California
Canary Islands
Or talk to me & tell me what seems interesting to you....
You can always reach me at ,, or send me a message by Messenger on Facebook, on my Goddess Miracles Healings Retreats page.
We can identify the thoughts and Beliefs that we acquired unconsciously from society, parents, past lives, other timelines, so that we can clear all the wrong beliefs we carry. Those beliefs are usually blocking your higher development.
Often, it is not the real You thinking or speaking. It is usually, one of your personas, your Victim, your Inner Child, or your Ego, and I help you identify the different voices so you can uncover the real You.
If your Higher Self is in charge, and your Spirit is fully in your body, you are energized , you are able to feel Joy, experience Abundance & Prosperity. As Divine Beings of Light, Abundance is our birthright.
If you can Imagine a place where you can disconnect from everyday concerns and just Be, while learning to accept and trust yourself, you can bring in real Healing. Often, we don't even know what it is we need healing with.
Everyone, whether at the beginning of your journey, or on it for a while, we can learn something new every day, every time one or more are gathered......
Attend one of our meetup meetings and come to meet us;
East Coast Florida
West Coast Florida
Meditation is important for our wellbeing. If you think of prayer as talking to God, then meditation is listening to God. Meditation brings you closer to God, the Universe, Source, & your guides. Calmness, Peace & Joy are the by-products.
Sound Healing has existed for centuries, but only recently, in the last 5 years or so, has it become recognized in the mainstream as a very effective modality. Sound has the ability to sync your mind with your heart and enable instant healings.
All healing comes from Love, & Energy is Love, We ask God, Source, The Universe to bring in Love/Energy for healing. We only have to ask our God team, our Angels, Archangels, Guides, Teachers, Ascended Masters, Ancestors & any being of Light who wishes to assist.
An Akashic Records reading is asking your Guides & Higher Self for truth & advice about any situation you are wondering about. The Akashic field contains your lives, timelines, and all the information there is about you.
Archangel Michael & his legion of Golden Angels is always available to help you clear, delete, transmute any spiritual interferences, entities, disturbances, and any lower vibrational energies that are blocking you from becoming the Best Version of You.
Under the direct intervention and inspiration of Lady Master Kwan Yin, Magnified Healing® of the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE was brought forth into its expanded form for the spiritual advancement of Humanity and the Earth.
I am an energy healer since 1999 when I became a Reiki Master Teacher and a Magnified Healing practitioner. Now I'm working on raising my vibration and being the Highest & Best I can be. My Mission is to help others to Be their Best.
Diana in Vermont. I love travel and going to Sacred and Powerful Places is first on my list. I love Nature in all her various ways. Ocean, Mountains, Deserts, all ways. There is nothing better than to breathe in Earth's energy!
Here I am at the Savanna River in Augusta Georgia. This is the third Vortex that the Masters installed. The emphasis is on Healing & Regeneration, Justice and Liberty for all.
Your emotional health is the foundation of your body and mind. Drop us a line today, and we can get you started on the path to health tomorrow. For general inquiries, please contact us.
Diana Saiz, North Port Fl & Boca Raton Fl.
Contact me by Messenger